DRL Alumni
Visitors and Postdocs

TieJun (TJ) Zhang
Visiting Professor 2011-2012
Associate Professor at Masdar Institute, Khalifa University

Faisal AlMarzooqi
Visiting Professor 2017-2019
Assistant Professor at Masdar Institute, Khalifa University

Ryuichi Iwata
Visiting Scholar 2017-2020
Research Scientist at Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc

Anand Veeraragavan
Postdoc 2009-2010
Associate Professor at the University of Queensland

Rishi Raj
Postdoc 2011-2013
Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Technology, Patna

Jiansheng Feng
Postdoc 2012-2014
Instrumentation Scientist at the University of Akron

Shankar Narayanan
Postdoc 2011-2015
Assistant Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Sivanand Somasundaram
Research Fellow 2015
Senior Research Scientist at Nanyang Technological University

Banafsheh Barabadi
Postdoc 2014-2016
Thermal Product Design Engineer at Apple

Sungwoo Yang
Postdoc 2012-2017
Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga

Zhenyuan Xu
Postdoc 2016-2017
Assistant Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Bikram Bhatia
Postdoc 2014-2019
Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville
Postdoc 2020-2022
Postdoc 2021-2023
Bachir El Fil
Postdoc 2021-2024
Postdoc 2023-2024

Nenad Miljkovic
PhD ’13
Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Zhengmao Lu
PhD ’18
Assistant Professor, EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)