Our Mission
Welcome to the Device Research Lab (DRL) under the direction of Dr. Evelyn N. Wang in the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT. The DRL aims to address energy and water challenges facing our world. We probe fundamental heat and mass transport processes, leverage novel materials engineering, and build high-performance prototypes and devices to realize impactful technologies. Specifically, our research areas comprises phase-change, solar, thermal, and water.
Hank Chu receives Taiwan Education Scholarship
Congratulations to Hank Chu for the Taiwan Education from the Ministry of Education, Republic of China.
Hank Chu’s paper published in Nature Materials
Hank Chu and Rong Xiao's work on uni-directional liquid spreading on asymmetric nanostructures was recently published in Nature Materials.Letter abstractMIT news article
Rong Xiao receives Martin Family Society of Fellowship for Sustainability
Congratulations to Rong Xiao for becoming a 2009 Martin Family Society of Fellow for Sustainability
Batya Fellman receives NSF
Batya Fellman is a recipient of the 2009 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.
Matt McCarthy’s work highlighted by ASME
Matt McCarthy's prior work on miniature ball bearing with Prof. Reza Ghodssi is highlighted in the April issue of Mechanical Engineering magazine. See the link here. Also, Matt's work on...
Andrej Lenert featured by Energy Initiative
Andrej Lenert (2008 MIT Energy Fellow) is on the MIT Energy Initiative Spotlight.