Our Mission
Welcome to the Device Research Lab (DRL) under the direction of Dr. Evelyn N. Wang in the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT. The DRL aims to address energy and water challenges facing our world. We probe fundamental heat and mass transport processes, leverage novel materials engineering, and build high-performance prototypes and devices to realize impactful technologies. Specifically, our research areas comprises phase-change, solar, thermal, and water.
Evelyn Wang receives AFOSR Young Investigator Award
Evelyn Wang receives AFOSR Young Investigator Award. See the link.
DRL receives high speed confocal imaging system with DURIP Award
DRL receives confocal imaging system to perform ultra-fast three-dimensional transport studies in thermal management applications under the defense university research instrumentation program. See...
DRL receives MIT Energy Initiative seed grant for energy research
DRL receives MIT Energy Initiative seed grant for energy research. See the link.
Spectrum Highlights DRL Work on Water Desalination
Spectrum Highlights DRL Work on Water Desalination. See the link.
Matt McCarthy receives best paper at ITherm 2010
Congratulations to Matt McCarthy and co-authors for the Best Paper Award at ITherm 2010.
Matt McCarthy accepts faculty position at Drexel
Congratulations to soon-to-be Prof. Matt McCarthy for his faculty position in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Drexel University starting Fall 2010.