Our Mission
Welcome to the Device Research Lab (DRL) under the direction of Dr. Evelyn N. Wang in the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT. The DRL aims to address energy and water challenges facing our world. We probe fundamental heat and mass transport processes, leverage novel materials engineering, and build high-performance prototypes and devices to realize impactful technologies. Specifically, our research areas comprises phase-change, solar, thermal, and water.
DRL members to give 16 talks at 75th Anniversary Heat Transfer Conference in Minneapolis Minnesota July 15-19.
More details appear in Publications.
Congratulations to PhD Graduates Arthur Kariya, Rong Xiao, Hank Chu, and Nenad Miljkovic!
Congratulations to PhD Graduates Arthur Kariya, Rong Xiao, Hank Chu, and Nenad Miljkovic!
Congratulations to Rong and co-authors for a publication in Scientific Reports
This work introduces the new of mode of "immersion" condensation, which promises 100% heat transfer enhancements compared to dropwise condensation. LinkFeature on MIT News
Rishi’s work on wettability of graphene highlighted in MRS
Rishi's work relating the substrate effect on the wettability of graphene was highlighted on the 2013 Spring MRS Meeting. Link. View full poster here.
Nenad’s condensation work featured on cover of MRS bulletin
Nenad's condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces is featured on the cover of MRS bulletin. The review paper can be found here.
Congratulations to Nenad for successfully defending his thesis
Congratulations to Nenad for successfully defending his thesis!