Our Mission
Welcome to the Device Research Lab (DRL) under the direction of Dr. Evelyn N. Wang in the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT. The DRL aims to address energy and water challenges facing our world. We probe fundamental heat and mass transport processes, leverage novel materials engineering, and build high-performance prototypes and devices to realize impactful technologies. Specifically, our research areas comprises phase-change, solar, thermal, and water.
Congratulations to Dan Hanks and ICEcool team for a best paper award and Kevin Bagnall and co-authors for a best poster award at ITherm 2014
Congratulations to Dan Hanks and ICEcool team for a best paper award and Kevin Bagnall and co-authors for a best poster award at ITherm 2014!
Congratulations to Andrej and Tom on successfully defending their PhDs
Congratulations to Andrej and Tom on successfully defending their PhDs!
Upcoming: GRC on Micro and Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer on Structured Surfaces
Micro and Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer Role of Surface Structures -- http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=16878 --January 11-16, 2015 Hotel Galvez Galveston, TX --Chair: Yoav Peles --Vice...
DRL Winter Lab Outing
DRL Winter Lab Outing!
Andrej and David’s work featured on U.S. DOE Science Homepage
Andrej and David's work on solar thermovoltaics was featured on the homepage of U.S. DOE Science (link).
Congratulations to Andrej, David, and co-authors for a publication in Nature Nanotechnology
The work shows the potential of harnessing the sun in the form of heat to generate electricity that can be both dispatchable and efficient via solar thermophotovoltaics (link). The work is also...