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Yangying, Dion and Rong’s work featured on the front cover of Advanced Materials
Read the paper here and news article here.
DRL researchers have developed a new way of creating surfaces on which droplets of any desired shape can spontaneously form.
The work is described in the journal Nature Communications by associate professor of mechanical engineering Evelyn Wang, former postdocs Rishi Raj and Ryan Enright, and graduate student Solomon...
Farewell to Dr. Andrej Lenert and Dr. Thomas Humplik
Andrej has taken a postdoctoral position at University of Michigan. Tom has taken a postdoctoral position at Sandia National Labs in New Mexico.
Congratulations to Yangying, Dion, and Rong for a new published in Advanced Materials.
Their work on creating magnetically tunable microstructures to manipulate fluids and light is featured on the MIT homepage. Read the paper here and news article here.
Congratulations to Nenad, Dan, Ryan for a new paper published in APL
Their work on getting power from jumping droplets during condensation was featured on the MIT homepage. Read the paper here and news article here.
Congratulations to Dan Hanks and ICEcool team for a best paper award and Kevin Bagnall and co-authors for a best poster award at ITherm 2014
Congratulations to Dan Hanks and ICEcool team for a best paper award and Kevin Bagnall and co-authors for a best poster award at ITherm 2014!