Congratulations to Yang Zhong, Lenan Zhang, Samuel Cruz and their collaborators for their recent work, A unified approach and descriptor for the thermal expansion of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers, which was featured on MIT News....
Congratulations to DRL alumni joining academia! Find out more about our recent alumni: Xiangyu Li, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Website) Zhengmao Lu, Institute of Mechanical Engineering at École...
Congratulations to Zhengmao Lu, Arny Leroy, Lenan Zhang, and their collaborators in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) at MIT for their recent work on Significantly enhanced sub-ambient passive cooling enabled by evaporation, radiation, and...
Congratulations to Yang Zhong for being selected as a MathWorks Engineering Fellow! With the support of a MathWorks Fellowship, Yang is currently working on the fundamental water adsorption and engineering design of atmospheric water harvesting devices. Specifically,...
Congratulations to Yajing Zhao for successfully defending her PhD on Scalable Micro/Nanostructured Surfaces for Capillary-Driven Thin-Film Condensation! In her thesis, Yajing designed, fabricated, tested, and demonstrated thin-film condensation heat transfer...