Congratulations to Heena Mutha on successfully defending her PhD on the Characterization and Performance of Vertically-Aligned Carbon Nanotubes in Capacitive Deionization...
Congratulations to Kevin Bagnall on successfully defending his PhD on Multiphysics Characterization of GaN HEMTs via Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. Read more about Kevin and his research on...
Congratulations to Yangying Zhu on successfully defending her PhD on Micro and Nanostructures for Two-phase Fluid and Thermal Transport. Read more about Yangying and her research on...
Congratulations to Hyunho, Sungwoo, Sameer, Shankar and Ari for their new publication in Science: “Water harvesting from air with metal-organic frameworks powered by natural sunlight”. The paper reports the design and demonstration of a device based on...
Congratulations to David Bierman and Andrej Lenert! MIT Technology Review has selected their solar thermophotovoltaic (STPV) work as 1 of 10 breakthrough technologies in 2017. This technology has the potential to be roughly twice as efficient as conventional...
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