Prof. Evelyn Wang returns back to MIT from her two-year leave at ARPA-E!
Nov 29, 2022

Congratulations to Yajing Zhao for being named Forbes 30 Under 30 in Energy for 2023. Yajing co-founded Mesophase, a start-up team seeking to commercialize DRL-invented surface technologies for improving energy efficiency of thermal power plants. In the U.S., thermal power plants currently supply over 75% of electricity, mostly through steam cycles. However, these thermal power plants also generate a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions and are responsible for more than 40% of freshwater withdrawal. Mesophase aims to mitigate the climate impact of these power plants by making them more energy-effieicnt, with an anticipated output increase of up to 7% using the same energy source.

Learn more about Mesophase and Forbes nominations.