Prof. Evelyn Wang returns back to MIT from her two-year leave at ARPA-E!
Feb 1, 2021

Congratulations to Zhenyuan Xu, Lenan Zhang, Lin Zhao, Bikram Bhatia, Kyle Wilke, Youngsup Song and their collaborators in China for their work on ultrahigh-efficiency solar-powered water desalination featured as Top MIT research stories of 2020 on MIT News and covered by Scientific American! This work demonstrated a record-high solar-to-vapor conversion efficiency of 385% with a production rate of 5.78 L m-2 h-1 using a low-cost and free-of-salt accumulation multistage architecture. This work elucidates the fundamental limit of the solar-to-vapor conversion process and provides useful design guideline for existing passive solar thermal desalination technologies. Image credits to MIT News.

Read more on MIT NewsScientific American, and read the paper here.