Prof. Evelyn Wang returns back to MIT from her two-year leave at ARPA-E!
Dec 22, 2016

Congratulations for the new publication “A thermophysical battery for storage-based climate control” published in Applied Energy. The concept of a thermophysical battery is demonstrated, which operates by storing thermal energy and subsequently releasing it to provide heating and cooling on demand. Taking advantage of the adsorption-desorption and evaporation-condensation mechanisms, the thermophysical battery can be a high-power density and rechargeable energy storage system. We investigated the thermophysical battery in detail to identify critical parameters governing its overall performance. A detailed computational analysis was used to predict its cyclic performance when exposed to different operating conditions and thermodynamic cycles. In addition, an experimental test bed was constructed using a contemporary adsorptive material, NaX-zeolite, to demonstrate this concept and deliver average heating and cooling powers of 900 W and 650 W, respectively. Read more.